Competition Guidelines

Junior Slams are self-regulating competitions. Athletes and coaches must guide themselves according to the standards outlined in the following competition guidelines. 

Before teams are permitted to play, convenors will check to ensure all teams have:

  1. Read the Concussion Guidelines and Return to Play Policy
  2. Read the Junior Slam Series Anti-Bullying Policy
  3. Read the Sweeping Statement
  4. Read the Spirit of Curling
  5. Read the Payment, Waiting Lists, Cancellations and Refund Policy
  6. Reviewed Curling Canada’s Rules of Curling for General Play
  7. Reviewed the Event information for the relevant Slam they are competing in
  8. Signed and submitted a Participation Agreement Waiver

The Junior Slam Series takes the health and safety of the participants in our events as our number one priority. As part of this policy, all Junior Slam Series events follow the world standard concussion protocol and return to play policy. In addition, new Ontario legislation, entitled “Rowan’s Law” requires that all athletes, guardians and coaches review the concussion awareness training at least once per year. Links to the training materials can be found in the Rowan’s Law section on this page. As part of complying with Rowan’s Law a second page has been added to our season waiver that must be signed by ALL guardians, athletes and coaches prior to participating in any of our events.

Any athlete who, at any of our events, is involved in or is a witness to an incident as described in this protocol is required to immediately report the incident to the event convenor. That convenor will assess the risk of concussion, and, if necessary recommend additional assessment. They will also file an incident report.

Any athlete who is involved in an incident, prior to a Junior Slam series event, where a concussion is diagnosed, will be required to provide a doctors note that certifies that they have followed the 5-step process outlined in the protocol and have proof that they have received medical clearance to return to play.

The Junior Slam Series convenor has the ability to file an incident report at any of our events.

The Junior Slam Series has a zero tolerance policy for bullying. This applies to athletes, coaches, parents and spectators attending and participating in a Slam event. Every team is responsible for the behaviour of the individuals in its group. For example, if a parent contravenes this policy, it applies to the entire team. This policy applies to behaviour at a Slam as well as to cyber/online references to Junior Slam Series competitions and participants.

Failure to comply with this policy may result in removal from the Slam competition and/or from all future Slams in the curling season and competition fees will not be refunded. Interpretation of this policy is at the discretion of Junior Slam Series. Zero tolerance means one infraction may result in disciplinary action.

Our Definition of Bullying

“Bullying” is deliberately intimidating, taunting, posturing or behaving aggressively toward a person or team, either physically, verbally, psychologically or socially. It can be carried out by one person or several people who are either actively or passively involved. Bullying may take place face to face at a competition or via technology such as a mobile phone.

In a curling context bullying can take many forms, for example:

    • a team purposefully using their bodies or brushes to obstruct the opponent’s view or delivery;
    • an athlete name-calling or taunting an opponent in the change room;
    • spectators or coaches verbally abusing other spectators;

an athlete or coach threatening a convenor;

  • an athlete texting insults, rude language or intimidating comments to other competitors;
  • a coach insulting an athlete;
  • a spectator harassing kitchen staff or ice makers at a host club;

Teams or individuals who experience bullying have a duty to report it to the Junior Slam Series staff.

Bullying is more likely to occur in highly competitive situations. The Junior Slam Series recognizes that the desire to win is strong. However, we encourage teams to emphasize enjoyment, team work, sportsmanship and skill development. The Junior Slam Series will apply this policy to ensure that Slams are safe, nurturing competitions for junior athlete development.

Except where noted below, Junior Slam Series events follow Curling Canada’s Rules of Curling for General Play. In addition all teams must follow the World Curling Federation standard for brushes and sweeping. Any clarification or interpretation of the afore mentioned rules is at the sole discretion of the event convenor.

These following details supersede the above rules for Junior Slam Series events.

Pre-Game Practice

Each team will get a pre-game practice, with the first practice commencing 20 minutes before the scheduled game time

  • the team on the top of scoreboard has first practice
  • 1 minute to cool slider. 5 minutes to practice after which the team has 1 minute to complete a last stone draw (LSD) 
  • the last stone draw is delivered towards the glass
  • the team with first practice throws the clockwise rotation
  • any player from the team throws, with sweeping
  • measurement of the LSD can be observed by any opposition player
  • opposing team must throw the counter clockwise rotation for their LSD
  • in the case of an LSD covering the pin or failing to reach the house, a second shooter from the team will throw the same rotation to achieve an LSD distance to break a potential tie and determine hammer

Game Duration

Games are schedule to be 2h 15m in duration

  • no-new end may start after 2h 00m from the time hammer is determined
  • play 8 full ends unless a team chooses to concede or is mathematically eliminated
  • if required, a single extra end is played back towards the glass, each team is allowed a single interaction in the extra end regardless of how many interactions they did or didn’t use during regular play
  • if tied after an extra end, one player from each team delivers a draw to determine the winner
  • there is no mid-game break

Coach Interactions

JSS follows Curling Canada’s Enhanced Coaching Interactions guidelines


  • interactions must be called by the team when in charge of the house
  • both coaches may visit their teams during the interaction but once the team in charge of the house completes the interaction, both coaches must return to the back of the sheet and the interaction is over
  • coaches must take the interaction from the boards or behind the back line
  • please wait for both coaches to be present before commencing the interaction
  • visual aids (Curl Coach, Paper Notes, Strategy Board) may be used only to confirm the situation at the far end of the sheet and as a reference for the discussion.
  • U15 events, 1 – 60 sec interaction per end, with a max of 1 min conversation with the team between ends
  • U18 events, 1 – 60 sec interaction per end, with a max of 1 min conversation with the team between ends
  • U20 events, 2 – 60 sec interactions in the first half of the game and 2 – 60 sec interactions in the second half of the game, with a max of 1 min conversation with the team between ends
  • MD events, 2 – 60 sec interactions in the first half of the game and 2 – 60 sec interactions in the second half of the game, with a max of 1 min conversation with the team between ends

If you need a fair play timeout, technical timeout or rule explanation / etc. please ask the convenor to handle the interaction with/for you.

Playoff Games

During playoff games, the following rule changes apply

  • the team with a clear higher record by W/L in the round robin standings has  BOTH hammer and choice of stone colour
  • for teams that are tied by W/L record and sorted by lower LSD score, the higher seeded team will have choice of hammer OR stone colour
  • the higher seeded team must declare their preference at least 10 minutes prior to the first practice and will have first practice
  • the lower seeded team has second practice
  • the practice is 1 minute to cool sliders followed by a 5 minutes practice
  • there is no draw for hammer

All other rules with respect to game duration and timeouts remain unchanged.

The following rules detail specific rules for Junior Slam Series Mixed Doubles events.

Stone Rotation

For each game 2 pre-determined stones will be set aside as position stone rocks. The team then has the ability to choose 5 of the 6 other rocks to use during the game.

The team’s spare (6th) stone may be switched into play after the completion of each end.

In playoff games, each team designates their pre-positioned stones at the end of their practice. They play with the other 5 stones and a spare stone.

Pre-Game Practice

The teams may practice with all 8 stones of their designated colour. Two “positioned” stones of each colour will be pre-determined for each round robin draw.

At the end of the 5 minute practice time, each player delivers one stone to the pin at the home end; the first stone with a clockwise rotation, and the second stone with a counter-clockwise rotation. The team with the lower combined distance earns the choice of hammer in the first end. If a team covers the pin or fails to reach the house a second stone will be thrown by either player on either path to the house to achieve an LSD measure to break a potential tie.

Game Duration

Games are schedule to be 1h 45m in duration

  • no-new end may start after 1h 30m from the time hammer is determined

Power Play

Once per game, each team (when that team holds the hammer in that end) can use their “Power Play”. The in-house stone, which belongs to the team with hammer, is placed on either side of the house with the back edge of the stone touching the tee line, at the point where the 8-foot and 12-foot circles meet. The guard stone is positioned to the same side of the sheet, the same distance that was determined for the centre guards.

Age Restrictions

In general players must be the correct age for the event according to Curling Canada standards For example all members of a U18 team must be 17 years of age or younger on or before June 30. 

Team Makeup

For U18, U20, and U25 events, all teams are single gender. U15 teams are open and may be any combination of players. Mixed Doubles teams require one player of each gender.

Should a team need to field a spare for a game at an event, that spare maybe either gender so long as they are no longer playing for another team at the event. Spares of the same gender as the team must play at or below the position they are replacing as declared in the team registration. Spares of the opposite gender must deliver lead stones.
Mixed Doubles  

No spares/alternates are allowed in Mixed Doubles. Mixed Doubles teams are earning points in a qualification process. Any change in lineup before the event begins constitutes a new team. Changes in lineup during an event are not allowed in Mixed Doubles events.

On September 16, 2016, The World Curling Federation issued a statement on rules, specifications and policies for sweeping techniques and brush technology for elite curling.  Herewith, all teams participating in the Junior Slam Series must abide by the World Curling Federation (WCF) standard for brushes and sweeping.  This applies to all Slams in our series with NO exceptions.

Most equipment manufacturers have a full supply of approved brush heads in stock. 

The Junior Slam Series introduced the Junior Team Ranking System (JTRS) for U15, U18, and U20. All teams that compete in a Junior Slam Series event automatically earn JTRS points in the age category of that event.  The JTRS points are used to invite teams to “Invitational Events” offered by the JSS.  Provincial points systems are available for qualification to the various Provincial Association events. i.e Ontario’s TTRS system.

For our Mixed Doubles events we have created the MDTRS system which is based on field size.  This system will be used for our qualification events and team selection for the NJCT Mixed Doubles exchange event annually.


The Junior Slam Series introduced the Junior Team Ranking System (JTRS) for U15, U18, and U20. All teams that compete in a Junior Slam Series event automatically earn JTRS points in the age category of that event.  The JTRS points are used to invite teams to “Invitational Events” offered by the JSS.  Provincial points systems are available for qualification to the various Provincial Association events. i.e Ontario’s TTRS system.

For our Mixed Doubles events we have created the MDTRS system which is based on field size.  This system will be used for our qualification events and team selection for the NJCT Mixed Doubles exchange event annually.


Junior Slam Series events adhere to the Spirit of Curling. The Spirit of Curling is a commonly used term that refers to the respect curlers show, not only to one another, but also to the sport itself. It is encapsulated by the principle that a curler would rather lose than win unfairly. Respect is one of the fundamental principles which underpin the Spirit of Curling. Slam competitors are expected to uphold the spirit of curling on, and off the ice. The Spirit of Curling generally sees no player attempt to gain an advantage in the game through any malice, whether by breaking the rules, distracting opponents or acting in an unsporting manner, which would effectively disadvantage their opponents. It is expected that if a player should do so then they admit to their fault. Broom slamming, profanity and unsportsmanlike behaviour are not acceptable.

The Spirit of Curling demands good sportsmanship, kindly feeling and honourable conduct among coaches and spectators too. This spirit should influence both the interpretation and application of the rules of the game and also the conduct of all participants on and off the ice.

The Spirit of Curling plays a crucial role in Slams, where there are no referees or officials, however Slam conveners will keep events running smoothly and help to iron out any concerns. Rules are based on the Spirit of Curling and every curler should adhere to this etiquette when playing.

– this information courtesy of the World Curling Federation.


Teams that register for a Slam are not officially “confimed” until we receive full payment. Payment instructions are auto-emailed to you when you register. We accept payment by e-transfer. Teams from outside Canada must contact us at to learn about our foreign payment process. We use PayPal for all foreign team entries. You can pay for all of your Slams with one payment. Simply add the total (must include HST). In your e-transfer notes. Once we receive payment, we confirm that you have been accepted into the Slam.

Waiting Lists

If you are trying to register for a Slam and it is full, you can purchase a waiting list ticket. Should another team cancel, we will the offer spot to teams on the waiting list, the cost of the waiting list ticket is applied to the fees for that Slam. If no spot becomes available we will refund 100% of the cost of the waiting list ticket. 

If you have not been offered a spot in the Slam you may cancel a waiting list ticket (and receive a full refund) at any time. Simply email us at to notify us of your desire to cancel the ticket. If there are no waiting list tickets available and you wish to be added to the waiting list, please contact us at and we can make additional waiting list tickets available to you.

Cancellation and Refunds

If your team is granted a final confirmed entry into a Slam and you have to cancel, you must notify us by email at  We offer a ‘sliding’ cancellation/refund policy as follows:

Cancel up to 28 days prior to the Slam:

  • If we have a replacement team waiting, a full refund is given.
  • If NO replacement team waiting, a cancellation fee of $100 applies.

Cancel 28-14 days prior to the Slam:

  • If we have a replacement team waiting, a $100 cancellation fee applies
  • If NO replacement team waiting, we refund 50% of your Slam fee.

Cancel 14 days prior to the Slam:

  • If we have a replacement team waiting, we refund 50% of your Slam fee.
  • If NO replacement team waiting, there is NO refund.

Junior Slam Series recognizes there may be extenuating and unforeseen circumstances. We reserve the right to consider cancellation requests on a case by case basis. Teams should plan carefully. Avoid double booking events on the circuit where qualification for one requires cancellation of a Slam. Leave space between events for rest and practice.

Every member of the team must review the full competition guidelines & sign a waiver (athletes, or athlete’s parent/guardians and the coach). Once every team member has signed, waivers can be scanned and emailed to Please email us ALL the signed waivers for every member of your team together under one email. Alternatively, you may sign the waivers and bring them to your first Slam. Teams will not be permitted to play without ALL the athletes and coach signing and submitting this waiver.

Important: The Concussion Code of Conduct is different for Coach and Athletes. Make sure you download the correct version, sign and date BOTH the waiver and Concussion Code of Conduct.

Rowan's Law Resources

Rowan’s Law requires that all Athlete’s under the age of 25, and (in the case of Athletes under the age of 18, ALL of their legal guardians, review the training materials at least once per year.

The current training materials can be found by clicking on the following links.

After you have reviewed the appropriate booklet, you must complete and sign the ‘Code of Conduct’ form that is included with the Junior Slam Series waiver.

For more information on Rowan’s Law please visit: