Well, it’s been a busy time in the curling world. The Junior Slam Series is busy planning our Season 3 Players Championship events, and working on the schedule for Season 4, and we almost forgot to post these pictures from Elmira of Madison Fisher and Eric Fenech receiving the first ever Connor Ramsay Bursary awards from Wendy Ramsay.
These two curlers submissions really touched Wendy and she was more than happy to meet them in person. Wendy discovered that Eric is currently attending the same school as Connor was planning to attend, and she was glad to be helping a Ryerson Ram. They were presented their cheques by Wendy, Morgan Lavell of the Junior Slam Series, and members of Team Howard, Tim March & David Mathers, who, along with their sponsor Brokerlink helped make the bursary possible. Afterwards the two curlers, their families and Wendy were treated by the Junior Slam Series to some excellent curling in the form of the final round robin draw of the Men’s Tankard and Ontario Scotties.
Madison Fisher receiving her bursary award from Wendy Ramsay Wendy Ramsay presents Eric Fennech his bursary award
We wish Madison and Eric the best of luck in their studies and their curling.